Tree Storm Damage

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Storm Damage Tree Removal Services in Nassau County, Long Island, NY

Storms can cause considerable tree damage, putting people and property at risk. Thus, storm damage tree removal services are vital in these situations. It assists in minimizing potential hazards and ensures the safety of everyone.

Our storm damage services are provided by qualified tree care specialists who possess the essential knowledge, abilities, and specialized equipment.

Here, you will learn more about the service, the benefits, and why they are the best at it.

For Storm Damage Tree Removal Services, Call Us:

Tree Storm Damage Services Nassau County

What Actually Is the Storm Damage Tree Removal Service?

The damage brought on by a storm cannot be restored by someone who isn’t an expert in tree-related services. This is where professional service providers like us come in place. Our professional arborists take charge of inspecting the damage to evaluate the condition and determine the best course of action. The service also includes trimming and removing broken or hanging branches with care to avoid further damage or risks. You don’t have to worry about it as the professionals use specialized equipment to do this job to ensure the tree’s well-being. For the trees that are partially damaged, arborists may install support systems such as cables or braces to stabilize them. However, the ones that are beyond repair are removed and new trees are planted.

Lastly, once the trees are taken care of, the process of restoring the overall landscape affected by the storm is started.However, you should know that grinding and removal are two different services. We utilize the stump grinder to mechanically grind the stump and its root system into tiny wood chips. On the other hand, the removal services involve completely uprooting and extracting the entire remaining from the ground, including its root system.

Nevertheless, the only difference you need to know is that with grinding service, the roots will be intact and will not be touched. Instead, it will naturally decay. At the same time, the removal service will take off the roots.

Benefits Of The Storm Damage Tree Removal Services

Even if you have to pay money out of your pocket to support the environment, your safety always comes over money. There are numerous personal benefits you receive from hiring storm damage tree removal services. Let’s check them out.

Heavy storm areas like Nassau County are prone to severe accidents and injuries. During heavy storms, trees are generally damaged or uprooted. Thus, they can fall on vehicles, electricity lines, or even humans. Resulting in severe damage to the objects as well as causing danger to those nearby.

Detailed tree risk assessments are one of our key ways to avoid accidents and injuries. To begin, we assess the condition of the trees, identify potential risks, and determine the level of risk they pose. Later, they are taken care of by removing any potentially dangerous fallen trees or branches.

As a result, we assure you that no future storms can damage your valued property.

Since a storm can weaken and damage the roots of trees, the likelihood of them falling on your building is fairly significant. Even though a single storm is not often capable of destroying the roots, storms over time cause them to fall. On the other hand, a single large storm is capable of doing the same.

However, with our service’s regular upkeep, the likelihood of them falling lowers to nothing.

Tree storm damage services in Nassau County, Long Island, NY, examine the internals of each tree. This includes the branches, roots, leaning trees, and split trunks, and take appropriate measures. So you don’t have to worry about trees harming your property and costing thousands of dollars to fix.

You should already be aware of how a storm might degrade the visual appeal of your property. A broken tree or a branch here and there might harm the beauty of your home.

With storm damage services, you can ensure that all trees are pruned and that no branches are present and in good shape.

Storm damage makes trees more vulnerable to different diseases and infections, which might potentially threaten human health. When the branches break or the tree uproots, it exposes the inner tissues of the tree to the external environment.

This open space provides an entry point for various pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses. As a result, when you come into contact with those areas, the diseases will spread to you.

Alternatively, with our service, you can rest assured that every part has been cleaned and all openings have been sealed immediately.

Why Choose Our Tree Storm Damage Service?

If you’ve been searching for storm damage tree removal near me, we should be your first choice. Let us tell you why we are the best.

24/7 service

24/7 Service

The weather is one of the most unpredictable aspects of the environment. We are aware of that and thus have come up with a 24/7 service. Whether it’s ice storms or heavy storms, we’ll be there to help.

On the other hand, Nassau County does have a record of facing hurricanes and tornadoes. Even though we can’t come to your house during these events, we can be there immediately after they have stopped.



Knowledge isn’t the only thing that will come in handy in tricky situations. Experience is also crucial to solving these issues effectively. We are proud to say that all of our professionals have more than 8 years of experience with storm damage.

In a nutshell, our team of experts has dealt with a wide range of storm damage scenarios, including fallen trees, damaged branches, uprooted trees, and more. This knowledge enables us to appropriately evaluate the issue and devise successful solutions.

expert tree service


Our team is capable of solving every tree problem that a storm may have caused. Every storm is different, and your area will face unique challenges and complexities associated with being fixed. Thus, this calls for our team’s specialized knowledge and advanced technology.

Overall, without expertise, no strategy can be planned to accurately assess the extent of the damage and identify potential risks.

customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

With each project we perform, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations. Our team is committed to offering individualized services that are suited to each client’s specific needs.

Furthermore, we communicate freely, bringing our clients up to date on the status of the project and resolving any concerns they may have. Lastly, if you are not happy with the results, we will do everything to make it right.

How To Get In Touch?

Now that you’re aware of our exceptional tree storm damage services near Nassau County, Long Island, NY, you may want to get in touch.  Let us guide you through the process then.

You can contact us by calling 516-344-8727, where one of our representatives will guide you. On the other hand, you can book an appointment through our contact form, where you just have to insert your name, number, and other small details.

Licensed And Insured

We must abide by the standards of the industry since we have a license for the damage control service. Furthermore, we have demonstrated to the authorities our proficiency in areas where safety standards are also taken into account. Therefore, you may rest knowing that we know what we are doing.

Similarly, the fact that our business is insured also contributes to the consumer and us not being held responsible for any harm. The insurance will cover anything that goes wrong throughout the cleanup process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any financing options for storm damage services?

Yes, there are financing options available for tree storm damage services. One can either apply for a home improvement loan or a personal loan for tree storm damage services.

Can storm damage tree removal services help with insurance claims in Long Island?

Yes, tree storm damage services can play a vital role in claiming insurance. These services can provide a detailed assessment of the damage caused by the storm. They will document the extent of the damage, including any structural impact on buildings or vehicles.

How long does it usually take to complete tree storm damage restoration?

It entirely depends on the severity of the damage that the storm has caused. Thus, it can take from a few days to several weeks to restore a tree from storm damage.

For Storm Damage Tree Removal Services, Call Us: